Ahlskog Jonas

Jonas Ahlskog holds a PhD in philosophy from Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU, Finland) and defended his thesis on the philosophy of history in October 2017. Currently, Ahlskog is employed as a post-doctoral grant researcher in philosophy and history of ideas at ÅAU. His philosophical research is focused on questions concerning the human sciences, history, action, testimony and cultural theory. In the history of ideas, Ahlskog is primarily doing research about conceptions of nation, class, language and identity in political and ideological movements during the 20th century in Finland. Ahlskog’s historical research is part of an interdisciplinary research project about class, language and national identity funded by the Kone Foundation. The tile of the Kone research project is “Luokkataistelu ruotsiksi: Kieli ja identiteetti ruotsinkielisessä työväenliikkeessä Suomessa 1900-luvulla”.