Study circle: Michel de Certau

Mar 7, 2017: study circle – Michel de Certau The Practice of Everyday Life, esp. chapter Walking the City.  18–20 o’clock, D 114.

Study circle: Conrad Sebastian

Eisenstein (M120), Arken Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland

September 19, 2017: study circle: Conrad, Sebastian, What is Global History, Princeton: Princeton University Press 2016. Related link:

Study circle: Harvey David

Eisenstein (M120), Arken Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland

October 17, 2017: study circle :Harvey, David, 1991 The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Useful links:

Study circle: spatial turn

Eisenstein (M120), Arken Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland

In this session we are going to discuss two new articles on the spatial turn. The first text focuses on the ‘hybrid turn' and the second on ‘mobilities turn'.

Study circle: Mbembe Achille

Eisenstein (M120), Arken Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland

In this study circle session we will discuss pages 1–101 of Mbembe, Achille, On the Postcolony (2001), Berkeley: University of California Press.