Study circle: Wolf Schäfer and Hagen Schulz-Forberg
Jan 31, 2017: study circle: texts by Wolf Schäfer and Hagen Schulz-Forberg
Jan 31, 2017: study circle: texts by Wolf Schäfer and Hagen Schulz-Forberg
Feb 6, 2017: seminar: Professor Martin Hårdstedt (Umeå University), topic: “Krig som globalhistoriskt fenomen – hur ska vi förstå det?”. 15–17 at Kramer (M220). Ladda ner lästext här.
Feb 14, 2017: study circle – texts on landscapes and space (log in or ask for membership to access texts)
Feb 19, 2017: CFP deadline: The second World History Student Conference held at King’s College London on May 6th, 2017. “The conference is organised by university students, for university students of all levels in order to share and discuss our research in World History.” London
Mar 7, 2017: study circle – Michel de Certau The Practice of Everyday Life, esp. chapter Walking the City. 18–20 o’clock, D 114.
Mar 14, 2017: seminar: Senior Lecturer Hanna Hodacs (Dalarna University), topic: Cheap and Cheerful: Chinese Silks in Eighteenth-Century Scandinavia. Download paper here. Room “Donner” at 15-17, Arken.
Mar 15, 2017: CFP deadline: Second Annual Conference: Practises and Processes of Space-making under the Global Condition Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1199: “Processes of Globalization under the Global Condition” 29.9–1.10.2017, Leipzig
Mar 15, 2017: (In Swedish) Undervisningsprov för docentur: FD Hanna Hodacs håller sin docentundervisningsprov med temat Globalisering i tidigmodern tid – när ägde den rum? Plats och tid: onsdagen 15.3.2017, auditorium Voltaire, kl 10.30-11.15
Mar 29, 2017: seminar: Professor Göran Rydén (Uppsala University), topic: Metals in West Africa during the slave trade period. Auditorium Goethe (L104) at 15-17.
Apr 4, 2017: study circle: Franz Fanon, “Black Skin, White Masks” (1967)