Study circle: Bakhtin

Mar 22, 2016 study circle: Bakhtin M. “Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel”

Study circle: Goody

Apr 19, 2016 study circle: Goody Jack “The Theft of History” (2006)

Study circle: several authors

Oct 18, 2016 study circle: Jarrick A., Myrdal J., Wallenberg-Bondesson M. (eds.) “Metods in World History: A Critical Approach” (2016); Belich J., Darwin J., Frenz M., Wickham C. (eds.) “The Prospect of Global History” (2016); Northrop D. (ed.) “A Companion to World History, Douglas Northrop” (2012)

Workshop: Södertörns högskola

Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Jan 12–13, 2017 workshop: Södertörns högskola, Stockholm, Sweden